
True/False Quiz

Interesting things happen to all sorts of people, including the ones with boring personalities, but do not happen to me. At least not without a lot of effort on my part and sometimes drugs.
I have a poorly defined sense of “interesting.”
All my fondest memories are losing their power, like masturbation fantasies that have been used too many times.
I am only (romantically and platonically) compatible with a precise subset of human beings who present themselves on the rarest of occasions but instantly become beloved.
Then we usually lose contact after several years. I still love them and think of them with warmth but I am uncertain if they even remember me.
I make no effort to become friends with people who are not those mentioned above. Those mentioned above require no effort.
Recognizing that I am designed to spend most of my time alone is the result of successful self-inquiry.
Telling myself that I am designed to spend most of my time alone is a sign of self-indulgence.
Thinking “I am supposed to spend most of my time alone, for the rest of my life, in order to function” is grounds for entering therapy.
It is normal to find most human interaction shallow and predictable.
It is normal to be envious that such interaction comes easily to others but is quite hard for me.
Such interaction is actually not that hard for me, but I feel automated and false while engaging in it. Afterwards, I am like a polished beach shell sitting on a Pottery Barn bookshelf.
It is terrible to feel I’ve charmed someone when I are not sure they are one of those special ones. (See point 4.) It’s spreading frosting on a steak. (Those special ones require no charming. [See point 6.])
I am hurt by news of other people doing certain things (going to parties with celebrities) or possessing certain qualities (“sexy”) that I feel are not accessible to me, even when I do not want to be or do those things, anyway, because they have never made me happy.
I believe everyone feels the same way I do.
I suspect no one else feels the way I do.